
I first came here in Aug 2017, and I was excited to learn about New York City, then I got to know about (NYC.GOV). It is one of the most popular websites which is often used by a diverse group of people. achieve the goal of fitting an enormous amount of information but also faces issues of Information redundancy & tedious Scrolling and Browsing, Information Prioritization and Confusing Labels to reach the target information


In a team of three, my role was to redesign the Homepage of (NYC.GOV) by improving its Navigation and reducing the redundancy on the base of User Research by using various techniques such as persona, Card sorting, Content Inventory & Self Benchmarking to improve the sitemap.

Asset Required

Software: OmniGraffle,  MS Excel, PowerPoint, G-Suit

Techniques: Card Shorting, Wireframing, Self Benchmarking, Content Inventory, Personas.

Time: 3 weeks

Team: Aanshi Shah, Kajal Purwar, Nishant Kadu.

Problem 1

Users observed information redundancy across global navigation.

NYC resources and NYC 311 both are having the same name on menus also when we clicked on it, get the same page and replicated information on it.




Content Inventory

containt inventry

Card Sorting iteration 1 & 2

Number of Users: 15

Users Location: NYC

User Type: Citizen/ Students/ Teachers and immigrants

csi 1
csi 2

Iteration 1                                                             Iteration 2


Combined menus without information loss

csi solution

As per Card sorting result, we found that there are a majority of options which are repeating in NYC Resource and NYC 311 which can be combined into one option NYC 311 & Resource.

solution 1

Problem 2

‘Top Request section is at the bottom of the page’

problem 2
persona for 2


Competitive Analysis- Benchmarking
aproach for 2
Our Suggestion for Top Request
solution 2

After conducting the survey with three different layouts with different "Top Request" location.

Clearly, "Option 3" is a more desirable location for TOP Request according to the users


survey for 2


Top Request section should be towards the top of the page’

finial solution 2

Problem 3

Users wanted alerts to be highlighted but Alerts were entirely missing on home page

problem 3


Self Benchmarking  Mobile Version of website contained alerts

self bench marking


Based on competitive analysis, Alert should be included in TODAY column as it has the same importance.

solution 3


  • Solved redundancy and information overload

i. Combining menus without information loss

from wide and deep => narrow and deep

  • Prioritized information

i. Brought the ‘Top Requests’ section towards the top of the page with better visibility

ii. Suggested Alerts to be displayed on the home page as implemented in the Mobile App

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